About SPH Consulting Group
Who We Are

Higher education is in the midst of great change and transformation, and SPH Consulting Group is here to guide you. Not unexpectedly, major future-oriented institutional restructuring, including mergers, acquisitions, consolidations, corporate conversions, and closures, are increasingly common. An environment that is characterized not only by significant challenges, but also by even greater opportunities. Important and complex institutional transformations that require careful consideration of many potential partner opportunities, a defined pace and process, and expert support.
SPH Consulting Group is ready to serve as the partner of choice, advising, guiding, and assisting college and university governing boards and executives as they consider major future-oriented institutional restructuring strategies. SPH Consulting Group is a team of experienced higher education experts who have actively and directly managed to success the many major restructuring events institutions of higher education face and consider in today’s climate. We provide a variety of services that will help ensure full and complete consideration of the strategic options for major institutional transformation available to higher education leaders and, when it is the right decision, the successful execution and implementation of the chosen strategy.