Strategic Mergers in Higher Education

Book Reviews

What Others Are Saying

Strategic Mergers In Higher Education

Ricardo Azziz, Guilbert C. Hentschke, Lloyd A. Jacobs, and Bonita C. Jacobs

Johns Hopkins University Press
Publication Date, October 29, 2019

“Those engaged in that type of planning will find this book illuminating, even if they are not facing a merger.”
— Karen E. Hinton
Author of A Practical Guide to Strategic Planning in Higher Education

“For sellers, the big opportunity to sell before crisis hits is to find a great home for an institution inside a school primed to serve the students, alumni, and faculty well—before disaster hits and they can’t necessarily pick a strategic landing ground. In other words, if a school sees that the road ahead could be challenging, the ability to preserve the institution’s mission and strengthen its ability to deliver on that mission is one to be seized before it’s too late. To do that, schools would do well to consider the advice that Azziz, Hentschke, Lloyd A. Jacobs and Bonita C. Jacobs offer in their new book.”
— Michael B. Horn
FORBES magazine

“While many pundits have predicted the consolidation and merger of hundreds of colleges and universities, none has had the foresight or expertise to advise schools on how to navigate this complex process. This guide—the first of its kind—will be an invaluable resource to the governing boards and officers of many colleges and universities seeking to continue to fulfill their mission in an increasingly challenging market environment.”
— Ryan Craig
Co-Founder / Managing Director, University Ventures, and author of A New U: Faster + Cheaper Alternatives to College

“A very strong, practical contribution that will be useful to higher education leaders, governing boards, faculty leaders, scholars of higher education, and policy makers. The timeliness of the book makes it particularly important.”
David J. Chard
Dean ab interim, Boston University

“A timely guide for when and how to merge colleges and universities, this book examines successful mergers like that of the University of Toledo and the Medical University of Ohio, which happened on my watch. It will inspire and inform higher education leaders everywhere.”
—Bob Taft
Former Governor of Ohio

“The authors should take pride in the publication of this collection of important chapters on a hot topic: addressing the broader sustainability of higher learning. Strategic Mergers in Higher Education provides cogent and incisive perspectives on the deployment of mergers as a strategic direction for institutions to deploy under the right circumstances and conditions. This significant contribution to higher education mergers is worth the read.”
—James E. Samels
CEO and President, The Education Alliance, coauthor of The New American College Town: Designing Effective Campus and Community Partnerships

“As mergers and major campus transformations increasingly become the focus for institutional leaders, we must engage our faculty and staff in the development and implementation of our plans. Lack of deliberate, thoughtful engagement with our colleagues could lead to the creation of a culture that is not productive and ultimately detrimental to the new organization. This book provides a great starting point to help consider human capital needs in the transformation process.”
—Andy Brantley
President and CEO, College and University Professional Association for Human Resources

“Our colleges and universities are reimagining their future existence in order to educate the new majority and be vital to society. One of the options available to campuses is mergers. This book will provide boards of trustees, presidents, and policymakers the necessary information to have on hand as a merger is being considered. It is indispensable.”
—Mildred García
President, American Association of State Colleges and Universities

“Strategic Mergers in Higher Education offers practical benchmarks against which education executives, trustees, and major donors can measure colleges and universities to determine their optimal scale of operations. This deep dive into what works best under what circumstances recognizes that mergers involve not just institutions, but also cultures.”
—Michael Milken
Chairman, Milken Institute

“A quality education is one that leads to a job and a lifetime of opportunity after graduation. In order to lead to that future of promise, we must first provide students with a sound education, delivered in an efficient, cost-effective way. That’s ultimately what Strategic Mergers in Higher Education is all about: how to give the students of today an education worthy of the jobs of tomorrow, in the twenty-first century and beyond. But preparing for what the future holds can at times be difficult and requires letting go of the precepts of the past. Places of learning all around our country can learn from the work thoughtfully presented in this book.”
—Nathan Deal
Former Governor, State of Georgia

“Mirroring the trends in many industries, mergers of higher education institutions are increasingly frequent. While much has been written about this growing trend in business, this book uniquely addresses the special considerations for colleges and universities and provides critical advice to leaders responsible for designing and implementing strategies to effectively position their institutions in this new reality.”
—Claire Pomeroy, MD
President, Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation

“One of the very few certainties for America’s colleges and universities is that many of their core historical assumptions are open to reexamination. One of these involves governance and management, exploring the possibility of combining institutions in a variety of configurations. For those seeking a new volume that will test their beliefs in this arena, and even legitimately claim to be both a ‘how to’ and a ‘should we,’ this is the one.”
—Barry Munitz
Chancellor Emeritus, California State University

“Strategic Mergers in Higher Education presents a significant compendium of transformative options that recognize a massive postsecondary infrastructure that we as a nation can no longer afford. More importantly, it is a handbook for the future. A very succinct example of the power of systemness.”
—Nancy Zimpher
Chancellor Emerita, State University of New York

“The decision to consolidate or merge higher education institutions to address financial sustainability concerns is never easy. This book is an invaluable resource to help ensure that decisions are strategic, well informed, well communicated, and implemented with excellence. A must-read for thoughtful leaders seeking innovative solutions.”
—Anne Ollen
Senior Director, TIAA Institute

“Are mergers a shotgun marriage or a marriage made in heaven—or both? The authors walk us through the ins and outs of an increasingly important topic in higher education with rich examples and a paucity of jargon. Thoughtful. Compelling.”
—Adrianna J. Kezar and William G. Tierney
Co-directors, Pullias
Center for Higher Education, University of Southern California

“The new book is a “practical go-to guide for higher education campus managers and executives, their boards, and related decision and policy makers,” its authors wrote. It could also be useful for leaders who have to execute a merger and for anyone interested in the future of higher education or change management.” 
– Rick Seltzer
Inside Higher Ed

“This timely and important book is a must-read for institutional leaders as they seek to navigate the choppy waters of higher education. Going beyond buzzwords and simplistic formulations, the authors provide easy-to-access, stage-by-stage, research-based advice to institutions considering a strategic merger. Anyone considering a merger who does NOT read this book does so at their own risk.”
—Ted Mitchell
President, American Council on Education

“Mergers and acquisitions aren’t part of a distant higher ed future—they are a present-day reality. This book provides a roadmap to understanding mergers not as a measure of last resort but as a proactive and credible option that should be considered. It is a must-read for any leader considering a merger.”
—Amit Mrig
President, Academic Impressions

“In 2011, the University System of Georgia announced a systematic plan to consolidate some of our thirty-five public universities. This book addresses many of the complexities of mergers and is a must-read for governing boards considering a merger. It is both an overview of the rationale for merger and a realistic look at the details of merger, written by presidents who provide a unique, experienced view of the complexities of mergers. In Georgia’s case, the results are worth the effort.”
—Steve Wrigley
Chancellor, University System of Georgia

“Mergers in higher education are a central reality of contemporary academe, in the United States and globally. This unique book provides a multifaceted discussion of mergers based both on a thorough survey of available research and on practical experience. It is a valuable addition to our knowledge and comes at the right time.”
Philip G. Altbach
Director, Center for International Higher Education, Boston College

“Academic mergers are usually harder than business mergers because of heightened branding, location, and political considerations, including faculty concerns. However, finances, technology, student demographics, and other factors sometimes require looking at options that include a merger. This book is written by people who have lived through the issues and provides an intelligent look at the changing landscape.”
—Peter McPherson
President, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities

“Strategic Mergers in Higher Education provides a practical guide to help institutions find and form meaningful partnerships to help them thrive well into the future. It’s a must-read for presidents, boards, and anyone interested in what’s next for the nation’s colleges and universities.”
—Jeffrey J. Selingo
Founder, Academy for Innovative Higher Education Leadership

“This book provides a comprehensive guide to issues that a college or university should keep in mind if it is contemplating a merger. Trustees and campus leaders would do well to read this book before becoming immersed in the details of their own discussions of merger.”
—Richard Ekman
President, The Council of Independent Colleges